lauantai 1. elokuuta 2009

Come Clean

// eka ficcini :o kirjoitin enkuksi, sillä olen enemmän lukenut ficcuja enkuks ku suomeks :3 minua kuitenkin avitti Yuri.
Ja jos ei tajunnut pätkääkään.. suomennos tulee kohta puolin :3//

Come Clean.

( idea: Hilary Duff - Come Clean
kirjoittaja: Khanato
beta: Yuri )

Snide - Ilkeä

Rained. A long time. I knew how to survive.
Although I was unconscious from day to day.

My thoughts were blank areas.
I remember thinking, even if I wanted to.

I feared my sleep. I noticed floating in,
I noticed also crying there. I missed him so much,
but I did not get him on my memory. It was a blank space.

I do not remember the sun, which I missed.
What if, just now I woke up? What if he were beside me
and it all would not have happened. Your snide lie took us here.

A little matter I began to hear voices. I thought I was crazy,
but I realized that I had to wake up.
It would be a good thing, but ..
You should no longer beside me.

I thought you love me. If you would only love me,
all this would not have happened. We would be together,
like Petey & Khanato. They already have a child.
I feel too good to you.

I have the pain, Kinkyou. I want to feel again you'r smile,
you'r laugh, you'r lips. I'm crying.
I would like to once again live and love.
I would like to once again think of as a normal human being.
Heard the sound the doctor yesterday, he said ..
I do not walk anymore.

Why were you doing this to me?
I thought that you should respect, but you do not have that.
When I get out of here, Kinkyou. I promise that all this is over.

We story is over. Forever. I know not loving you anymore.
You are not the same teufel, which I loved.

I have only one question, why?

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